I'm Irfan (ئىرفان). Software developer.

A husband, a father.

I write about what I learned here.

Image Resize in Azure Functions using Rust

In this post, I will show you how to resize images using Azure Functions and Rust.

Recursion: A Personal Journey Through the Stack

In this post, I share my journey to understand recursion and the stack, how stack helps me to visualize the recursion process, and how it helped me to grasp the concept more intuitively.

Discovering Rust Enums: A TypeScript Comparison

Enums in Rust are powerful, and in this post, I will share my journey as a TypeScript developer delving into the world of Rust enums.

Lessons learned in Rust with Array and Vector

Learned a valuable coding lesson: from vectors to arrays in Rust functions. Simplicity wins!

Show page views with Next.js and Google Analytics

In this post I will guide you on how to set up a custom page views counter using Next.js and Google Analytics. (No credit card is required!)

Lessons learned from using Typescript Part #1

These are series of #shorts post that I am going to share from time to time, mostly about what I learned from using Typescript.